So what does Garage Athlete look like?
FIVE Complete programming days per week PLUS ONE Active recovery session – each day has three programming options.
Access sessions via The GARAGE ATHLETE APP or our WEBSITE.
- Engine session: our Engine sessions are focused on building your aerobic base to be your fittest version possible. Throughout the week we hit everything from long mixed modal pieces, to short and sharp machine or running efforts to sessions on the track. Pieces range from 20-60min in length. A little bit of everything to meet your goals; these workouts can act as a general health tool or performance extras for the competitive athlete. Even if you don’t have access to a cardio machine, we provide subs to allow you to still hit the desired training stimulus for each session.
- Functional training session: our Functional Fitness sessions are designed to give you that “CrossFit,” fix, without the circus tricks. Throughout the week you’ll hit some longer workouts combining strength, skill and fitness, some short, sharp burners to focus on intensity, and some skill work. These are perfect for those looking for some variety in their workout routines.
- Strength session: our Strength sessions are designed to make you strong but also take aesthetics into account. Each session includes some power work, major lifts, and several accessory pieces through compound lifts and bodybuilding exercises. A squat rack/stands, a barbell, and some DBs or KBs are all you need for these sessions. The best part is they are designed to be completed within 45-50minutes.
The sessions are structured so that you can complete 1, 2 or all 3 based on your goals and amount of time available. People who have trialed this program pre-launch found they preferred to perform 2 sessions per day, ensuring they hit each option at least three times per week. But how you wish to structure it is entirely up to you! We are available via email to help you with this process if you’re a little unsure.

5min of easy movement: run/row/ride
50 Russian Kettlebell swings
Attempt to perform the warm-up nasal breathing only, this will slow
your pace but also teach you to breathe more efficiently.
2km run performed with an odd object of choice (sandbag, plate, KB etc)
* The purpose is to make the run awkward and disrupt your rhythm. It will also spike your heart rate in preparation for the second run.
2km run
* Aim to push the second 2km relatively hard – around 85-90% pace.
For time:
40/50 cal AD (SUB: 1.5/2km bike, 600 run)
50 sit ups
50 ring row (SUB: J-Hook barbell rows)
Rest 90sec
27/35 cal AD (SUB: 1/1.5km bike, 500 run)
35 sit ups
35 bench press @ 30/40kg (65/90lb) (SUB: Floor press @40/50)
Rest 90sec
15/20 cal AD (SUB: 500/1km bike, 400 run)
20 sit up
20 double hand KB snatch @ a challenging weight.
(SUB: double DB snatch OR power snatch)
5 sets:
Back squat cluster 2.2.1 (two reps, rest 10sec, two reps, rest 10sec,
one rep)
Max strict pull ups with under hand grip
*adjust weight after each set, starting weight should be approx 85%.
4 sets:
10 each leg (all right leg/all left leg) reverse stationary lunge
(use a barbell, KBs or DBs)
12 GHR or hamstring curls on rower or swiss ball
20 banded leg extension (hook the band up to a bench)
Every 2min for 8mins (4 sets):
12 LIGHT weight back squats
* aim for speed.
Tabata calf raises.